The NH State Forest Nursery Online Store has closed for the season.
You may browse this past season’s products, but purchasing is disabled.
Please check back in December when sales will start for the following spring.

Fir, Concolor 3-0


from 10 treesfrom 25 treesfrom 100 trees
$2.00 ea$1.40 ea$1.25 ea
SKU: 01CF30 Categories: ,


CONCOLOR FIR, Abies concolor – Native to the Southwest, this tree exhibits blue-green needles up to 3 inches in length. Becoming popular as a unique Christmas tree with its striking foliage, good needle retention, and zesty, tangerine fragrance. Prefers well-drained, fertile soils. A slow grower, but perfect for someone looking for a one-of-a-kind Christmas tree. Seedling height: 6-14 inches. Mature height: 70-90 feet. Maximum of 500 seedlings per customer.