The NH State Forest Nursery Online Store has closed for the season.
You may browse this past season’s products, but purchasing is disabled.
Please check back in December when sales will start for the following spring.

Spruce, White 2-0


from 100 treesfrom 500 treesfrom 1000 trees
$0.85 ea$0.80 ea$0.65 ea


WHITE SPRUCE, Picea glauca – Hardy, symmetrical and naturally foliage. Often used as a Christmas tree, or landscape tree, it is also planted for timber. Useful for erosion control and site reclamation. Needles are 1/2 to 1 inch, blue-green, angled, and sharp tipped. It is adaptable to a wide range of planting sites but prefers moderately well to well-drained loamy soils. Grows well throughout NH. Seedling height: 4-8 inches. Mature height to 70 feet.  For quantities less than 100 please order White Spruce 3-0.