The NH State Forest Nursery Online Store has closed for the season.
You may browse this past season’s products, but purchasing is disabled.
Please check back in December when sales will start for the following spring.

Cedar, Red 2-0


from 10 treesfrom 25 treesfrom 100 treesfrom 500 trees
$1.00 ea$0.80 ea$0.60 ea$0.55 ea

Out of stock.

SKU: 01RC20 Categories: ,


RED CEDAR, Juniperus virginiana – Small dense tree with both scale-like and needle-like leaves, making it less susceptible to deer browse. Grows best in full sun. Rot-resistant heartwood is oxblood in color and aromatic. Dark-blue berries consumed by song and game birds. Grows best in central and southern New Hampshire. Avoid planting near apple trees. Seedling height: 5-10 inches. Mature height: 20-40 feet.