Fir, Balsam 3-2


from 100 trees
$1.50 ea

Out of stock.

SKU: 01BF32 Categories: ,


BALSAM FIR, Abies balsamea – Intended for commercial growers, the “3-2” is a 3-0 Balsam fir that was transplanted to a second, well-spaced seed bed and grown an additional two years.  This robust seedling should have a head start even over our 4-0 Balsam fir seedling, allowing for a mature Christmas tree in the shortest amount of time.  This new trial product is only being sold in quantities of 100 and is limited to one order per customer.  If you purchase this product, please provide feedback so we may assess the merits of continuing to offer this product.  Seedling height: 12 inches plus.  Mature tree height 50-75 feet.