The NH State Forest Nursery Online Store has closed for the season.
You may browse this past season’s products, but purchasing is disabled.
Please check back in December when sales will start for the following spring.

Birch, Paper 2-0


from 10 treesfrom 25 treesfrom 100 trees
$1.50 ea$1.00 ea$0.80 ea


PAPER BIRCH, Betula papyrifera – The State tree of New Hampshire; grows across much of central and northern North America, west to Alaska. A pioneer species, growing quickly on bare, exposed mineral soil in partial to full sunlight. Striking white peeling bark on mature stems, used years ago for canoe and wigwam coverings. Seeds eaten by song and game birds; twigs browsed by deer, moose and snowshoe hare. Seedling height: 5-10 inches. Mature height: 60-80 feet.