The NH State Forest Nursery Online Store has closed for the season.
You may browse this past season’s products, but purchasing is disabled.
Please check back in December when sales will start for the following spring.

Cherry, Black 1-0


from 10 treesfrom 25 treesfrom 100 trees
$1.80 ea$1.20 ea$0.90 ea
SKU: 02BC20 Categories: ,


BLACK CHERRY, Prunus serotina – A fast-growing tree which does best in full sun and well-drained soil. Does not tolerate heavy shade or wetland areas. An important tree for the manufacture of furniture and veneer. Fruits are an important source of food for many birds, game, and nongame wildlife species. This tree also plays host to over 450 species of both moth and butterfly caterpillars across the country. Seedling height: 6-12+ inches. Mature tree height: 50-80 feet.